英译汉案例1:英语系2019级学生 赵梦丽译;张久全老师指导


Let’s go back to 1983. Stanislav Petrov was a Soviet watch officer. An alert went off on his console – according to his monitoring system, there was an incoming nuclear attack from the United States. But rather than alert his superiors, who would have immediately ordered a cataclysmic counter-attack, Petrov considered the context of the information available to him. His training taught him that any nuclear attack would likely be all-out war, with dozens of missiles and support from every branch of the U.S. military. Yet there were no reports of anything happening, other than this handful of missiles. Petrov decided not to take action on the alert. And he made the right call. It turned out that the early warning system had mistaken sunlight reflecting off clouds for missile launches. By questioning the validity of data, Petrov averted nuclear war.


Companies today aren’t saving us from nuclear war, but they do face a major set of new risks from data-based decision-making. And in most cases, companies fail to grade truth in data.


If I were looking to do harm to an oil company, I could do much more damage by hacking your view of the world – getting you to purchase the rights to drill in the wrong places – than I would by hacking one of your oil rigs and shutting it down for a few days. Think about how many decisions are made based on data, and how vulnerable that data is to manipulation when no one is thinking about the information itself as a risk.


This is the power of data – and the risk of not having strong data veracity.


Siemens is helping oil and gas companies address this threat today. They're partnering with cybersecurity vendors to embed intelligence into the sensors on board industrial equipment. The sensors take an aggregate look at the data fed to them to develop a baseline for normal behavior. With this baseline in hand, oil and gas companies can compare deviations and have a better chance of detecting threats and intrusions into their systems.


But it’s important to realize that the risks from bad data aren’t limited to intentional manipulation. United Airlines realized that inaccurate data was the culprit behind a billion dollars a year in missed revenue. It turned out their seating demand forecasts were based on decades-old assumptions about flying habits. This drove inaccuracies in pricing models. That data was true at one time, but it doesn’t make sense to base decisions about today’s airline customers based on data from decades ago. If your business has data-driven revenue, can you count on that revenue if you can’t trust your data?


Every business should also consider the ways their own processes are incentivizing stakeholders to game their data-driven systems. Researchers in the UK have been studying how rideshare drivers game pricing algorithms – they orchestrate mass sign-offs, making the system think there’s a shortage of drivers. In order to get more drivers on the road, the system then increases prices. In a sense, the rideshare company’s algorithm is incentivizing its own drivers to game its systems.


Amazon provides a good example for how incentivize the truth: when they realized sellers were publishing fake reviews, Amazon revamped their business processes by creating a “verified reviewer” program, where reviews from those who had purchased an item were given more weight and appeared higher in the reviews section. Amazon also took steps to formalize a system that offered merchandise to consumers in exchange for a review, putting stronger controls over it and providing more transparency to consumers. That helps build trust in the Amazon brand.


You can build a practice to grade the truth in your data based on skills and capabilities you already have. Pulling from cybersecurity, data science, and analytics, you can build what we’re calling a “data intelligence practice,” and attack this new type of vulnerability throughout your business. By building a culture that emphasizes the importance of data veracity, you’ll also build confidence in your own data-driven decisions. And, critically, you’ll make yourself a trustworthy partner for people whose lives, jobs, and organizations are affected them.

