英译汉案例2:英语系2019级学生 赵梦丽译;张久全老师指导


Rene Descartes said in 1637, “I think, therefore I am.” Is being alive defined by thinking, learning, and acting? If so, what does this mean about machines that can perform such functions?


Robotic pets have been around for some time now. They are electronic “animals” with simple programming and some sensors and controls, so that they seem to respond when you talk to or play with them. They do not possess AI and cannot learn or make their own choices.


In the future, however, we may see true AI companions for people who need constant care. We might eventually be able to have AI versions of people we love who have passed away. In the film AI (2001), a robot child is modeled after the dead son of the director of a robotics company. As AI beings become more and more like humans, will we consider them to have consciousness and emotions? What are the implications?


It is becoming less clear over time that machines are not alive. We sometimes personify them with phrases such as “My car is dead,” or “My alarm clock woke me up.” But whether we can make a truly living machine depends on how we define life. If our machines could think for themselves and work independently without us, could we still say they are not living? We might decide that an AI machine is “alive” in some sense. In such a case, what rights would a thinking, living machine have?


Think about what it means to be alive, and then try to decide whether any alternative forms of life are possible—either things we could make or perhaps beings from another part of the universe. A virus is a very simple organism, yet scientists argue about whether it counts as a living being. Like a human, it has a genome, or genetic coding that acts as instructions for its development and functions. We can now make a virus by building it from chemicals strung together in the right order—and an artificial virus behaves in exactly the same way as a naturally occurring one. If we count a virus as a living organism, we can say that we have made artificial life already.


Some people may have religious objections to making something that is intelligentespecially if we cannot agree on whether it is alive. Many people have religious beliefs that say creating life unnaturally is something only God can do, and it is blasphemous, or religiously disrespectful, to act like God ourselves and presume that we can create life artificially.


Some people believe that we do not die when our physical bodies cease to work, but our consciousness passes on to a new life, maybe as a person or even another life form. This consciousness might be called a spirit, a soul, or another name. Can an AI being have a spirit?


Every living person has rights, and in many countries, some animals have rights too. As a person, some of your rights—to food and shelter, for example—are recognized worldwide and confirmed in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In most countries, national laws protect the rights people have to education, voting in elections, choosing who to marry, and so on.


If we build an AI, will it have rights, too? This is a very far-reaching question, and we may decide AIs are entitled to different rights, depending on their type. On one hand, something that can think, is aware of its own existence, and can feel pain or sorrow perhaps should have rights similar to humans’. On the other hand, something that can work out how to make a better bridge but has no feelings maybe should not be given rights.


If we decide that an intelligent machine is a life form, we may have problems if we want to turn it off. Some may feel it has the right to continue existing—or it may even decide that for itself. To turn it off could be seen as causing “death”—technically, murder. We need to consider what rights any artificial entities will have and what responsibilities we may have toward them.


Consciousness is the state of being aware of yourself and what is happening around you. There is no consensus on what makes us conscious or where, if anywhere, in our bodies our consciousness lies. We do not know if other creatures have full consciousness like humans, though it seems quite likely that other intelligent animals have some degree of it. Some creatures that work together—like ants and bees—may also have a kind of group consciousness.


As we have not yet made a machine that is fully conscious, we do not know how it will behave if we do. We might find it develops consciousness automatically. If this is the case, we will need to decide whether we have any right to limit its ability to think and be aware of itself.


Feelings are important in helping us to function in society, relate to other people, and learn patterns of behavior that are acceptable. If feelings are useful in helping us to learn, would they not also be useful to a learning machine?


The computer systems we have today work in a logical way—they use reason to find answers to problems. But the “reasonable” answer to a problem is not always a workable or acceptable one. Even with an informed understanding of what is unacceptable, an intelligent machine may have difficulty with some of our more inconsistent behaviors. How would it act in life-and-death situations? Consider the following scenario: A person is very sick and in pain, and he will certainly die in a short while. He asks his AI care assistant to kill him. Should the AI do it? Perhaps doing so would be considered merciful—but it may also be cruel and illegal—depending on the person, their family, and their location. Would this matter to an AI assistant?


One of our basic aims in building AIs should be that they do not harm people. However, to teach a machine what would harm people—physically or emotionally— would be difficult. The machine would also need the ability to anticipate how a person might react to something. It may be easier to give the machine feelings itself, letting it have a proper insight into how people think and feel.


Incorporating emotions into AI robots can have multiple benefits to humans. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2014 that robots with facial features, voice interaction, and human-like gestures were found to be much preferred over those that did not display such qualities. Emotions make robots more natural for people to interact with, but they may also add efficiency: Two Italian scientists developed robots with emotional circuits in 2010 and found they were better than non-emotional robots at completing programmed tasks such as searching for food, escaping predators, and finding mates. Their conclusion was that emotional states make robots more fit for survival.


While an AI without feelings or understanding of human nature could make dangerous mistakes, a machine with emotions might fall in love, have tantrums, panic, become bored, argue about what it is supposed to do, or just sulk and do nothing! Machines can go wrong, just as people can make mistakes. Imagine a computer virus that made all AI systems depressed or even harmful. A machine with emotions can be just as dangerous as it may be beneficial.
