汉译英案例1:英语系2020级(专升本)学生 王园园译;张久全老师指导



In China, birth is to be celebrated, while death is to be mourned. But the moment I approached the Ganges, my knowledge of life was destroyed. If life is to be terminated like this, why does life exist? What’s the point of life? That day, I fled in panic.


I am an artist, and art is pure creation. I think life is perhaps the same—creating meaning in a meaningless life.

 2009年,机缘巧合之下,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)任命我为亲善大使,我们联合发起了世界看见中国民族文化保护与发展亲善行动。并且在2013年,我又创建了看见造物这个中国当代民艺品牌,用可持续的方式,延续对少数民族手工艺者的帮助和对传统工艺的传承。这段旅程,也整整走了10年。 我个人的创作是从上世纪90年代开始的,一直跟中国的多元民族文化有关,所以也一直希望有机会为他们做些事情。所以UNDP任命我为大使,或许这就是一个对的时机。

In 2009, I was appointed by UNDPthe Goodwill Ambassadorby chance. We jointly launched the “Show the World” Goodwill Actionfor the Protection and Development of Chinese national culture. In 2013, I established “KANJIAN Creations”, a contemporary Chinese folk-art brand, to continue to help ethnic minority craftsmen and inherit traditional craftsmanship in a sustainable way. This journey has been taking a full 10 years. My  personal creation began in the 1990s and has always been related to  China’s multi-ethnic culture, so I have always hoped to have the  opportunity to do something for it. Perhaps this is why UNDP appointed me the Ambassador.

中国西部少数民族地区拥有丰富珍稀的民族文化资源和美丽的自然风光,但由于缺乏与外界的接触以及语言的障碍,这些地区的经济发展相对落后。偏远的地理位置以及恶劣的自然条件是形成这一状况的根源。另一方面,在全球化的冲击下,少数民族正面临着丢失其特色文化的威胁。UNDP China千年项目的目标是以区域文化带动区域经济的发展,形成可持续的文化产业生态,并使少数民族文化获得自我认同和传承。

The ethnic minority regions  in western China are rich in rare national culture resources and  beautiful natural scenery but relatively left behind in economic  development due to the lack of contact with the outside world and language barriers. For one thing, the remote geographical location and harsh natural conditions are the root causes of this situation. For another, ethnic  minorities are facing the threat of losing their distinctive culture  under the impact of globalization. The goal of the UNDP China Millennium  Projectis  to drive regional economic development with regional culture, form a  sustainable ecology of cultural industry, and enable ethnic minority  culture to gain self-identification and inheritance.


The Chinese people’s respect for culture has a long history. Even today, many of my friends  who have been to the minority regions find their cultures distinctively  fascinating. But once leaving, they find that all those are far away  from them, and don’t know where to start. For so many years, everyone  has been talking about the protection of traditional culture, ranging  from governments, professional institutions to academies and colleges,  but in fact nothing more dynamic and vigorous really happens.


And then I witnessed the existence of multiculturism in China had become an urgent issue, but few people knew what to do and how to do it. I thought it needed more than just a call, but concrete actions. So later I told Mr. Khalid Malik, “In  fact, I was hesitant at first, but then I decided to accept the job of  the Goodwill Ambassador on one condition, that is, I need to do  something specific. And I may be one of the few people who can play this  role.”


I  have knowledge and love for China’s multi-ethnic culture, and also have  many years of cultural accumulation. My visits to ethnic minority  regions started 20 years ago, long before I became the Goodwill  Ambassador. Since the 1990s, I have been traveling in Sichuan, Tibet,  Xinjiang and Yunnan, which I know well and like a lot. Perhaps in China,  there are not many people like me with such a foundation and  background.


At my age, I am ready and determined to share with the world, which is what the Chinese people call “Do the right thing in the right place and the right time with the right people.”


As an Asian, we will eventually return to the proposition of “saving ourselves and others”.  “KANJIAN Creations” is really a Buddhist practice. Perhaps when I was  young, I thought more about solving my own problems, but at a certain  time, “I” become the world, and the world becomes “me”.
