汉译英翻译实践案例2:楚风汉韵·山水淮南(张久全 译)



Huainan: A Scenic City with Historical and Cultural Charm of Chu and Han

张久全  译


Huainan, located in the north-central part of Anhui Province, lies on the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, which marks the geographical division between North and South China. Historically referred to as the “Throat of the Central Plains” and the “Shield of the Jiangnan Area”, the city covers an area of 5,533 square kilometers and has a resident population of 3.027 million, with an urbanization rate of 62%. Celebrated as China’s energy capital, the industrial granary of East China, a National Garden City, and a City of Chinese Idioms and Allusions, Huainan radiates a unique historical and cultural charm of the Chu State (c. 1030–223 BC) of the Warring States Period (475–221 BC) and the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) alongside its enchanting natural scenery.  

淮南是一座山水和谐共生的生态之城。“屏舜耕而衔两山, 襟淮水而带三湖”。舜耕山,因舜帝耕耘于此而得名,环境优美。八公山,国家4A级旅游景区,相传淮南王刘安曾在此修仙炼丹论道,集名气、灵气、文气于一身。八公山也是地质科考的宝地,这里发现的“淮南虫”化石,是迄今为止发现最早的古生物化石。上窑山,国家森林公园,景色各异。淮河、江淮运河在这里交汇,千里淮河流经淮南105公里,将八公山、舜耕山、上窑山、焦岗湖、瓦埠湖、高塘湖相串联,形成“三山鼎立、三水环绕”的格局,尽显城市生态之美。

Huainan is a city where the harmony of mountains and waters creates a beautiful ecological environment. It is poetically described as “Screened by Shungeng Mountain and nestled between Bagong and Shangyao Mountains; embraced by the Huaihe River and graced by Jiaogang, Wabu, and Gaotang Lakes.” Shungeng Mountain, named after the legendary Emperor Shun (c. 2294–2184 BC), who is believed to have farmed here, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty. Bagong Mountain, a national AAAA tourist attraction, is steeped in history and legend. It is said that Liu An (c. 179–122 BC), the vassal king of Huainan during the Han Dynasty, pursued Taoist immortality, alchemy, and philosophical discussions here, infusing the mountain with fame, immortal aura, and cultural significance. This mountain is also a treasure trove for geological research, famous for the discovery of the “Huainan Worm” fossils, some of the earliest known prehistoric life forms found to date. Shangyao Mountain, a national forest park, boasts diverse and captivating landscapes. The convergence of the Huaihe River and the Yangtze-Huaihe Grand Canal in Huainan creates a stunning natural spectacle. The 1000-kilometer-long Huaihe River, flowing through the city for 105 kilometers, weaves together the three great mountains and three major lakes, forming a distinctive network of “three mountains in commanding stance and three waters in encircling grace”, which highlights the city’s ecological splendor.

淮南是一座彰显“楚风汉韵”的文化之城。“千载八公山下,尚断崖草木,遥拥峥嵘”。千百年来,悠悠淮水见证了淮南的历史变迁。夏商之际,淮夷人在此立国,创造了淮夷文明。春秋战国为蔡楚之地,寿县古城曾为楚国最后的都城。安丰塘古称芍陂,是我国古代四大水利工程之一。寿州窑遗址,原产寿州黄釉瓷,被陆羽《茶经》列为唐代制瓷名窑之列。楚大鼎、鄂君启节、战国青铜车马等精美文物,皆为国内外所罕见。“淝水之战” 古战场,留下了“投鞭断流”“风声鹤唳”“草木皆兵”等历史典故。花鼓灯舞蹈欢快喜庆,寿州大鼓曲韵悠长,抬阁肘阁新奇惊险,寿州锣鼓热情奔放。

Huainan is a city that epitomizes the historical and cultural charm of the Chu State of the Warring States and the Han Dynasty. As a poem goes, “Through a thousand years’ span, Bagong Mountain’s grand greenery still stands, as it did back then, with rugged cliffs embraced by verdant bands.” Through the ages, the ever-flowing Huaihe River has witnessed the historical changes of Huainan. During the Xia (c. 2070–1600 BC) and Shang (c. 1600–1046 BC) Dynasties, the Huaiyi people, indigenous tribes living in the Huaihe River basin, founded several states in this region, giving birth to the Huaiyi culture. In the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC) and the Warring States Period (475–221 BC), Huainan was part of the territory of the Cai State (c. 1045–447 BC) and later the Chu State, with the ancient city of Shouxian County serving as the last capital of the Chu State. Anfengtang Reservoir, originally called Quebei, stands among China’s four great ancient water conservancy projects. The Shouzhou Kiln, renowned for its yellow-glazed porcelain, earned recognition in “The Classic of Tea” authored by Lu Yu (733-804 AD) as one of the prestigious porcelain kilns of the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD). Exquisite cultural relics such as the Chu Bronze Tripod Cauldron, the E Jun Qi Bronze Tallies and the Warring States bronze chariots and horses are rare treasures both in China and abroad. The Battle of Feishui, one of the most important battles in China’s history, was fought here in 383 AD and left behind famous historical idioms and allusions such as “stemming the water flow with soldiers’ whips”, “panicking at the sound of the wind and the cry of the crane” and “mistaking every bush and tree for an enemy.” The local culture of Huainan is celebrated with the lively Flower Drum Dance, melodious Shouzhou Drum Songs, thrilling Taige and Zhouge Performances and exuberant Shouzhou Gong and Drum Performance.


Huainan is a city steeped in the wisdom of agricultural civilization. Throughout the changing seasons, ancient Chinese people farmed, wove, and rested, adjusting their activities to seasonal changes, astronomical events, and natural phenomena, which gradually crystallized into the concept of the 24 Solar Terms. The terms start with the “Beginning of Spring” and end with “Major Cold”, reflecting “the changes in climate, natural phenomena, agricultural production, and other aspects of human life.” The earliest comprehensive documentation of these terms comes from the timeless classic Huainanzi (The Huainan Masters). Also known as Huainan Honglie (Illustrious Compendium of Huainan), this work, compiled by the vassal king Liu An and his scholars, is an encyclopedic academic masterpiece, hailed as “encompassing all realms of knowledge throughout history”. The 24 Solar Terms not only denote the laws of nature but also embody the historical imprints of agricultural civilization. Inscribed by UNESCO on the “Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,” these terms highlight the unique regional culture of Huainan and reflect the distinctive temporal wisdom of the Chinese people.


Huainan is a city whose culinary delights are best savored by the taste buds. As the local saying goes, “Dismiss not tofu as a common dish; when crafted by a chef’s hands, it’s a banquet wish.” The city is recognized as the birthplace of tofu, with its origins traced back to Liu An, the vassal king of Huainan during the Han Dynasty. Bagong Mountain Tofu, subtly flavored yet exquisitely delicious, leaves a refreshing and salivating experience, earning it the reputation that “East or west, Bagong Mountain Tofu is the best.” Huainan Beef Soup, renowned as the top soup of the Jianghuai Region and certified as one of the Famous Chinese Snacks, evokes a sentiment. The old saying, “Traveling thousands of miles, north to south in stride; before reaching Huainan, the aroma of soup is your guide,” speaks to its allure. It’s a soup that defines the city and captivates one for a lifetime! The city’s culinary landscape is further enriched by other local specialties, such as Shouxian Emperor’s Lifesaver Pastry, Jiaogang Lake Crabs, Wabu Lake Whitebait, Shangyao Deep-Fried Noodle Twists, and Xiaji Flour Balls. These delicacies transform Huainan into a gastronomic destination, enticing visitors with their unforgettable flavors and leaving them yearning for more.

淮南是一座发展潜力巨大的创业之城。“风正潮起千帆竞 奋楫扬帆破浪行”。高铁、高速、空港、航运,见证着这座城市的奔跑速度;新兴产业集群的蓬勃发展,讲述着这座城市的转型力度;创新驱动、制造强市、风光火储氢一体化,锚定着这座城市的发展高度。淮南正抢抓长三角区域一体化发展、合淮同城化等国家重大战略机遇,大力发展新兴产业,打造一流营商环境,加快推进高质量跨越式发展,建设国家新型综合能源城,奋力谱写现代化美好淮南建设新篇章。

Huainan is a city with tremendous potential for entrepreneurship. As is often said, “With winds fair and tides high, a thousand sails compete; spirited rowers set forth, through the waves they fleet.” High-speed railways, expressways, airports, and shipping routes in and around Huainan bear witness to the city’s rapid pace of progress. The robust growth of emerging industrial clusters narrates the city’s transformative strength. Driven by innovation, with a focus on the manufacturing industry and integrated development of wind–solar-coal to hydrogen energy storage projects, the city is setting new benchmarks for its development. Seizing the significant national strategic opportunities of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the integrated development of Hefei and Huainan, the city is vigorously developing emerging industries with its first-class business environment for accelerating high-quality leapfrog development, and aiming to turn the city into a comprehensive national energy provider. The city is determined to forge a new chapter in its journey towards a more modern and splendid Huainan.


Welcome to the charming Huainan!