汉译英翻译实践案例4:楚风汉韵·山水淮南(刘延 译)



Huainan: A City of Historical Elegance and Charm Amidst Stunning Scenery

刘延  译


Huainan, strategically nestled in central-northern Anhui Province and poised on the Yangtze-Huaihe Watershed, serves as the pivotal geographical junction dividing northern and southern China, earning its esteemed reputation as the Throat of Central China and the Shield of Jiangnan. Spanning an expansive 5,533 square kilometers and home to a steadfast population of over 3 million residents, Huainan boasts an impressive urbanization rate of 62%. This thriving city has earned its accolades as Chinas Energy Capital and stands as the Industrial Granary of East China. Beyond its economic prowess, Huainan is celebrated as a National Garden City, reflecting its commitment to ecological and aesthetic harmony. The city also prides itself as a bastion of cultural heritage, known as the City of Chinese Idiom Allusions. This rich tapestry of historical and cultural influences imbues Huainan with its unique allure, encapsulated in the phrase Chuelegance and Hancharm, a City of mountains and rivers, highlighting its picturesque landscape and profound historical legacy.

淮南是一座山水和谐共生的生态之城。“屏舜耕而衔两山, 襟淮水而带三湖”。舜耕山,因舜帝耕耘于此而得名,环境优美。八公山,国家4A级旅游景区,相传淮南王刘安曾在此修仙炼丹论道,集名气、灵气、文气于一身。八公山也是地质科考的宝地,这里发现的“淮南虫”化石,是迄今为止发现最早的古生物化石。上窑山,国家森林公园,景色各异。淮河、江淮运河在这里交汇,千里淮河流经淮南105公里,将八公山、舜耕山、上窑山、焦岗湖、瓦埠湖、高塘湖相串联,形成“三山鼎立、三水环绕”的格局,尽显城市生态之美。

Huainan is a city exemplifying the harmonious coexistence between mountains and waters. As eloquently described in Huainan Fu”, the city is “Embracing the Mount Shungeng and nestled between two mountains, bordered by the Huai River, and adorned with three lakes. Mount Shungeng, named after Emperor Shun who once plowed the fields, is renowned for its beautiful environment. Mount Bagong, a national AAAA level tourist attraction, is steeped in history and legend. It is said that Liu An, the King of Huainan, once practiced alchemy and pursued Taoist philosophical studies here. This site uniquely combines fame, spiritual aura, and literary temperament, making it a place of significant historical and cultural interest. It also has emerged as a pivotal location for geological and paleontological studies. The remarkable discovery of the Huainan Worm fossil at this site has placed it at the forefront of prehistoric research, marking it as one of the earliest known locations for such significant paleontological finds. In addition, the nearby Mount Shangyao, esteemed as a national forest park, presents a kaleidoscope of natural landscapes. This area is celebrated for its distinctive beauty and ecological variety, further highlighting the unique and invaluable environmental assets of the region.The Huai River and the Jianghuai Canal converge in this region, with the Huai River winding through Huainan for 105 kilometers. This stretch of the river links several natural landmarks - Mount Bagong, Mount Shungeng, Mount Shangyao, Jiaogang Lake, Wabu Lake, and Gaotang Lake - creating a striking geographical pattern of three mountains standing majestically and three waters encircling. This configuration beautifully showcases the ecological splendor of the city, highlighting its harmonious blend of natural landscapes and urban development.

淮南是一座彰显“楚风汉韵”的文化之城“千载八公山下,尚断崖草木,遥拥峥嵘”。千百年来,悠悠淮水见证了淮南的历史变迁。夏商之际,淮夷人在此立国,创造了淮夷文明。春秋战国为蔡楚之地,寿县古城曾为楚国最后的都城。安丰塘古称芍陂,是我国古代四大水利工程之一。寿州窑遗址,原产寿州黄釉瓷,被陆羽《茶经》列为唐代制瓷名窑之列。楚大鼎、鄂君启节、战国青铜车马等精美文物,皆为国内外所罕见。“淝水之战” 古战场,留下了“投鞭断流”“风声鹤唳”“草木皆兵”等历史典故。花鼓灯舞蹈欢快喜庆,寿州大鼓曲韵悠长,抬阁肘阁新奇惊险,寿州锣鼓热情奔放。

Huainan is a city displaying the cultural essence of Chu Elegance and Han Charm. The citys rich historical tapestry is vividly encapsulated in the phrase, For a thousand years beneath Mount Bagong, where the sheer cliffs and lush vegetation stand, embracing the rugged beauty from afar. Over the course of millennia, the ever-flowing Huai River has silently observed the evolution of Huainans history. In the epoch of the Xia and Shang dynasties, this region witnessed the rise of the Huaiyi people, who established their own state, thereby birthing the Huaiyi civilization. In the historically significant era of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, this region fell under the dominion of the Cai and Chu states. Shouxian, an ancient city within this area, holds historical prominence as the last capital of the Chu state, serving as a living monument to this storied epoch. Moreover, Anfengtang, once known as Quebei, stands as a celebrated example of ancient Chinese ingenuity in water management, recognized as one of Chinas four major ancient water conservancy projects. The Shouzhou Kiln Site, renowned for producing Shouzhou yellow-glazed porcelain, has been historically recognized. It was listed by Lu Yu in his famous work The Classic of Tea as one of the prominent porcelain kilns of the Tang Dynasty. Exquisite cultural relics such as the Chu Da Ding (Great Tripod of Chu), the E Jun Qi Jie(a tax exemption pass for water and land transportation), and the Warring States Bronze Chariot and Horses are all rarities both in China and abroad. At the ancient battlefield of the Battle of Feishui, historical allusions such as Breaking the Flow with Tossed Whips, Alarmed by the Mere Wind Rustling the Grass, and Seeing Soldiers in Every Blade of Grass were left behind.The Flower The Flower Drum Lantern Dance is lively and festive, the Shouzhou Big Drum music is melodious and enduring, the Tai Ge Zhou Ge( a kind of the ancient and rare Han ethnic dance arts in China) is novel and thrilling, and the Shouzhou drum performances are passionate and unrestrained.


Huainan is a city embodying the wisdom of agricultural civilization. Spring rains awaken the clear valley skies of spring, and the heat of full-grain summer continues into the hot summer days. As the constellations shifted over time, ancient people in Huainan engaged in farming and weaving according to the seasons and rested at appropriate times. The concepts of seasonal changes, celestial phenomena, and natural indicators gradually evolved into the system of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, first comprehensively recorded in the ancient and extraordinary book The Huainanzi. Also known as the Huainan Honglie, this work, authored by Liu An, the King of Huainan during the Western Han Dynasty, and his scholars, is an encyclopedic academic masterpiece. It is acclaimed for encompassing the vastness of the universe and the breadth of ancient and contemporary knowledge, often described as “Encompassing Heaven and Earth, Extensive Through Ancient and Modern Times”. Besides transcending natural cycles, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms stand as pivotal historical symbols of an enduring agricultural civilization. This intricate timekeeping system has garnered global recognition, with UNESCO honoring it by inclusion in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This prestigious acknowledgment not only underscores the distinct regional cultural allure of Huainan but also casts a spotlight on the profound and unique conception of time that is deeply embedded in the Chinese cultural ethos.


Huainan is a city where the culinary delights are best measured with the taste buds. Its often said, Do not assume tofu is a mere common dish, for in the hands of a master chef, it becomes a treasure on the dining table. Huainan is renowned as the birthplace of tofu, with its origins traced back to Liu An, the King of Huainan during the Han Dynasty, who is credited with the invention of tofu. The tofu of Mount Bagong, known for its delicate yet rich flavor, offers a refreshing and mouthwatering experience. It enjoys the prestigious reputation of being the finest tofu under the heavens, a testament to its exceptional quality and taste. Huainan beef soup, celebrated as the premier soup of the Jianghuai region, holds a distinguished place among Chinas renowned culinary delights. The soups fame is so widespread that it has inspired the saying, Even after traversing thousands of miles, the fragrance of the soup precedes ones arrival in Huainan. This adage aptly encapsulates the soups far-reaching reputation and allure, underscoring its status as a hallmark of Huainans rich gastronomic heritage. It can be said that this is not just a bowl of soup, but a symbol of the city itself, and a lifelong passion for many! The distinctive delicacies of Shouxian Da Jiu Jia (a kind of pastry), Jiaogang Lake crabs, Wabu Lake whitebait, Shangyao Sanzi(a kind of deep-fried dough twist.), and Xiaji meatball offer an unforgettable culinary experience, leaving a lasting impression on the palate and drawing people back time and again for their unique and irresistible flavors.

淮南是一座发展潜力巨大的创业之城。“风正潮起千帆竞 奋楫扬帆破浪行”。高铁、高速、空港、航运,见证着这座城市的奔跑速度;新兴产业集群的蓬勃发展,讲述着这座城市的转型力度;创新驱动、制造强市、风光火储氢一体化,锚定着这座城市的发展高度。淮南正抢抓长三角区域一体化发展、合淮同城化等国家重大战略机遇,大力发展新兴产业,打造一流营商环境,加快推进高质量跨越式发展,建设国家新型综合能源城,奋力谱写现代化美好淮南建设新篇章。

Huainan is a city with immense potential for entrepreneurial development. It is aptly described by the phrase, With favorable winds, a thousand sails compete; with vigorous rowing, set sail and break through the waves.”High-speed railways, expressways, the airport, and shipping lanes are testament to this city’s rapid developmental pace; the vigorous expansion of new industrial clusters speaks volumes of the city’s transformative vigor; innovation-driven strategies, a strong manufacturing sector, and the integration of wind, solar, thermal, and hydrogen energy storage, anchor the city’s lofty developmental ambitions. Huainan is dynamically capitalizing on significant national strategic initiatives, including the integration of the Yangtze River Delta region and Hefei-Huainan Urban Integration. This ambitious city is in the midst of a robust expansion of its emerging industries, dedicated to establishing a premier business environment. This effort is part of a broader strategy to accelerate high-quality, leapfrog development. With the goal of transforming into a national hub for new and comprehensive energy solutions, Huainan is diligently working towards crafting a new narrative in its journey towards modernization and prosperity.


Welcome to Huainan!