汉译英翻译实践案例5:楚风汉韵·山水淮南(王聪 译)



Captivating Huainan: Where History Casts Its Enchanting Spell

王聪  译


Huainan, located in the central-northern part of East China’s Anhui Province, occupies a strategic position at the junction of the Yangtze River and the Huai River, which widely considered as a natural geographical boundary between northern and southern China, traditionally earning the reputation as the gateway to the Central Plains and an indomitable shield safeguarding the Jiangnan Area. Covering an expansive land area of 5,533 square kilometers, the city is home to a population of 3.027 million residents, with 62% residing in urban areas. Recognized as a energy hub, the city plays a significant role in supplying coal to Eastern China. Furthermore, Huainan has received official recognition as a National Garden City, where Chinese idioms and historical allusions abound, adding to its unique allure. Blending the elegance of Chu-style culture with the grace of Han-style traditions, complemented by breathtaking landscapes, Huainan truly captivates visitors from around the world.

淮南是一座山水和谐共生的生态之城。“屏舜耕而衔两山, 襟淮水而带三湖”。舜耕山,因舜帝耕耘于此而得名,环境优美。八公山,国家4A级旅游景区,相传淮南王刘安曾在此修仙炼丹论道,集名气、灵气、文气于一身。八公山也是地质科考的宝地,这里发现的“淮南虫”化石,是迄今为止发现最早的古生物化石。上窑山,国家森林公园,景色各异。淮河、江淮运河在这里交汇,千里淮河流经淮南105公里,将八公山、舜耕山、上窑山、焦岗湖、瓦埠湖、高塘湖相串联,形成“三山鼎立、三水环绕”的格局,尽显城市生态之美。
     Huainan—nature’s Masterpiece: Where Mountains, Rivers, and Lakes Embrace. Among the majestic trio of mountains, Mount Shungeng stands as the crown jewel, its name paying homage to the legendary Emperor Shun, bestowing it with historic renown. Bagong Mountain, a national 4A tourist attraction, holds a mystical charm, combining historical significance, spiritual energy, and an ambiance of scholarly wisdom. It was here that Liu An, the former governor of Huainan during the Han Dynasty, delved into alchemy and Taoist rituals in pursuit of immortality. It also unveils a geological treasure trove, discovering the earliest known ancient organism fossil, the remarkable “Huainan Worm.” Shangyao Mountain, a certified National Forest Park, reveals a diverse landscapes, each more enchanting than the last. The Huai River gracefully meanders through the city, stretching across 105 kilometers, while the Jianghuai Canal joins forces, linking the three grand mountains and three lakes: Jiaogang Lake, Wabu Lake, and Gaotang Lake. This intricate network of towering mountains and interconnected lakes showcases the epitome of Huainan’s ecological beauty, a true masterpiece crafted by nature's hand.

淮南是一座彰显“楚风汉韵”的文化之城。“千载八公山下,尚断崖草木,遥拥峥嵘”。千百年来,悠悠淮水见证了淮南的历史变迁。夏商之际,淮夷人在此立国,创造了淮夷文明。春秋战国为蔡楚之地,寿县古城曾为楚国最后的都城。安丰塘古称芍陂,是我国古代四大水利工程之一。寿州窑遗址,原产寿州黄釉瓷,被陆羽《茶经》列为唐代制瓷名窑之列。楚大鼎、鄂君启节、战国青铜车马等精美文物,皆为国内外所罕见。“淝水之战” 古战场,留下了“投鞭断流”“风声鹤唳”“草木皆兵”等历史典故。花鼓灯舞蹈欢快喜庆,寿州大鼓曲韵悠长,抬阁肘阁新奇惊险,寿州锣鼓热情奔放。

Huainan, a city that resonates with the cultural of the Chu State during the Warring States period and the Han Dynasty, stands as a testament to its rich historical heritage. In the words of a poet, “The lush trees and grass on Bagong Mountain remain unchanged for over a thousand years, akin to an army of soldiers standing steadfast against the cliffs.” For millennia, the flowing water of the Huai River has borne witness to the sweeping tides of Huainan's history. During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, this land was home to the Huaiyi people, who forged the remarkable Huaiyi civilization. In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, the region was initially under the governance of the State of Cai before it eventually came under the influence and authority of the renowned State of Chu. Notably, the ancient county of Shouxian served as the final capital of the Chu State. The Anfeng Reservoir, known as Quebei in ancient times, was among the four grand water conservancy projects in ancient China. Shouzhou Kiln in Shouxian, famous for its yellow-glazed porcelain, was recognized as one of the renowned Tang Dynasty porcelain kilns in Lu Yu's “Classic of Tea.” Precious cultural relics like the Great Chu Cauldron, the E Junqi Pass, and the Warring States Bronze Chariots and Horses stand as rare treasures. The Battle of Feishui in the Eastern Jin Dynasty unfolded on this very land, giving rise to historical allusions such as “throwing horse whips to break the river’s flow,”, “the whistling wind and crying cranes are like enemy soldiers,” and “trees and grass are like the arms of the enemy.” Two local dances, the Flower Drum dance and the Taigezhouge Dance, along with the Shouzhou Drum and Shouzhou Gong, have all been designated as intangible cultural heritages, preserving the vibrant traditions of the region. The city's cultural tapestry, woven with threads of history and artistic expressions, encapsulates the city's captivating allure, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its enchanting heritage.


Huainan, a city that embodies the ancient wisdom of agricultural civilization. In the past, our ancestors farmed and weaved in harmony with the changing seasons, taking breaks when needed. By carefully studying the stars and closely observing the patterns of nature, such as celestial events and natural signs, our forefathers incorporated this knowledge into the creation of the twenty-four solar terms. These terms serve as a way to understand and follow the natural rhythms of the seasons.  This ancient wisdom, preserved in the solar terms, allows us to harmonize our actions with the cycles of nature and make the most of each season, which found their first comprehensive record in the ancient masterpiece known as Huainanzi, also titled Huainan Honglie, compiled by Liu An and his followers during the Western Han Dynasty, the book stands as an encyclopedia, celebrated for its vast scope, covering everything in the universe of all times. These twenty-four solar terms serve as a guiding compass for the Chinese people, providing invaluable guidance for farming and various activities as the seasons unfold. Recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, they illuminate the unique cultural of Huainan, showcasing the wisdom that has shaped the Chinese way of life.


Huainan is a city that deserves to be savored as a culinary paradise. One should not underestimate the humble tofu, for skilled chefs in Huainan transform it into a delicacy fit for a grand banquet. It is believed that Liu An, a native of Huainan, was the first to master the art of tofu-making. The tofu produced around Bagong Mountain, despite its light and delicate appearance, conceals a delightful flavor that will tantalize your taste buds. Renowned as the finest tofu in the world, it has gained a well-deserved reputation. Huainan beef soup, known as the top soup in Anhui province, has been officially recognized as one of China's Famous Snacks. It warmly welcomes you with its enticing aroma, regardless of how far you have traveled. A single bowl of this soup represents the essence of the city and embodies the lifelong pursuit of every Huainan resident. Aside from these culinary gems, Huainan boasts other specialty foods that will leave an indelible impression on your palate. From the Great Rescue of the Emperor (a type of oily pancake) in Shouxian, to the delectable Crabs from Jiaogang Lake, the delightful whitebaits of Wabu Lake, the enticing fried noodles of Shangyao Town, and the savory Xiaji Meatballs, are all delicacies that will linger in your memory, allowing you to savor their unique and tantalizing flavors.

淮南是一座发展潜力巨大的创业之城。 “风正潮起千帆竞 奋楫扬帆破浪行”。高铁、高速、空港、航运,见证着这座城市的奔跑速度新兴产业集群的蓬勃发展,讲述着这座城市的转型力度创新驱动、制造强市、风光火储氢一体化,锚定着这座城市的发展高度。淮南正抢抓长三角区域一体化发展、合淮同城化等国家重大战略机遇,大力发展新兴产业,打造一流营商环境,加快推进高质量跨越式发展,建设国家新型综合能源城,奋力谱写现代化美好淮南建设新篇章。

Huainan is a city with enormous entrepreneurial potential. Its rapid growth across various industries has been facilitated by an extensive transportation network comprising high-speed railways, expressways, an airport, and waterways. The dynamic development of emerging industry clusters vividly narrates the city's transformative journey. The municipal government is committed to fostering innovation-driven manufacturing and an energy industry that integrates thermal power generation with renewable sources such as wind power, solar power, and hydrogen storage power, placing it at the forefront of their agenda. Leveraging the national strategies of Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta and Hefei-Huainan Integrated Development, this city is effectively promoting emerging industries and creating a first-class business environment to accelerate high-quality leapfrog development. The city aspires to become a leading comprehensive energy provider, while simultaneously striving to craft a new chapter in the construction of a modern and beautiful urban landscape.


Welcome to Huainan!